
March 2, 2024
So this one caught me off-guard. I’m currently working on a project that uses an ESP32-S2, and for expedience I’m working with the Arduino framework. It’s just faster that way, honestly.
April 10, 2023
We all know the ESP8266 and its more recent sibling the ESP32. They’re used in just about everything under the sun, both hobbyist and commercial. Mostly this is because they’re cheap, but also because they’re …
April 9, 2023
Today has been a non-hardware day, estimating the energy usage of the display under the various algorithms. I simply wrote a program to run the math, and found that my answers from yesterday were correct enough to be going on …
April 8, 2023
Sometimes you sit down to work and realize that you should have stopped earlier the previous day. This was an example of one such day. I didn’t really notice it until I looked at the pulse trains in the images I published, but the …
April 7, 2023
Display power consumption is going to be a problem for the LetterBox. Today’s project is to tinker with one of my newly-acquired displays and see what exactly I can get away with in terms of consumption. This will inform the rest …