
April 18, 2016
Yeah, it was an ugly day today. We got a few inches of rain (complete with wild tunderstorms) in just a couple of hours, and the beautiful river I live on has turned to mud as a result. A perfectly cruddy end to a perfectly cruddy …
April 11, 2016
It’s been a busy week. I lost many hours to the American Idol finale. Had to keep up on The Voice, of course. Then add in the massive (and very painful) project we’re in the middle of at the ever-dreaded job… The little time …
April 2, 2016
Back in 2012, I had plans. I was unemployed, bored, and had just embarked on an interesting hardware project to help organize my music collection. It gave me something to talk about, so I started a blog called Macdweller. For much …