While I enjoy the DIY thing, building a business requires a different mindset. I don’t want to cut out the creativity, but I also can’t afford to waste time. You’ll hear business types discuss the …
So this one caught me off-guard.
I’m currently working on a project that uses an ESP32-S2, and for expedience I’m working with the Arduino framework. It’s just faster that way, honestly.
I’ve mentioned before that it’s getting to be time for me to get a job. More precisely stated, it’s that an income would be a very nice thing to have. Unfortunately, I recently ran face-first into a psychological …
Every once in a while, I do something stupid.
One of the things I don’t want on this blog is data about my location. The problem is that modern cameras – especially cell phone cameras – include your latitude and …
I’ve been trying to force myself to learn about zsh since Apple switched the default shell (why, Apple, why?!). One of my biggest annoyances has been the unexpected munging of the Meta-Backspace combination.
So my basil is still growing strong, as you can see. And that’s after I added the additional light arm to the Click & Grow, and also trimmed a number of branches off to give to my Mom for her cooking needs.
I’ve mentioned a few times now that I have an issue with growing plants that my cats shouldn’t have access to. This weekend I finally got around to doing something about it.
Yeah, they’re starting to get big.
I think I’m going to have to trim them down; maybe give some to my Mom since I have far more than I need. I don’t have anything to cook with it at the moment, unfortunately.
It’s coming up on a year since I switched to Hugo. During that time, the most annoying thing about it has been waiting for builds. Sure, I have it all neatly packaged and automated via GitLab Auto DevOps, but it’s just …
Still growing!
Yesterday I snipped off half a dozen leaves, tore them up, and put them in my favorite soup instead of the usual dried stuff. The taste is markedly different; it was really good!
Here we are, on day 27.
I still haven’t added any water. It looks like it’s about half empty now; when I remember to go to the store and buy some bottled water, I’ll fill it back up.
Every once in a while I like to do a round of maintenance on my homelab. This generally includes cleaning everything up, modernizing where I can, and so on. The beginning of 2024 seemed like an excellent time, but also a bit more …