I’m Finally Back!
For now, at least.
As previously noted, I’ve spent way too much time recently hiding from the world and/or not doing anything useful. The reasons still escape me; sometimes, my life is just like that. Now it seems that I’ve managed to overcome it, though, at least for the moment.
Time will tell how long it will last…
Bored Updates
As you can no doubt tell, I’ve been working on Boredom a bit. The changes to the project itself are very minor; the changes to the site slightly less so. I’m wondering if this will inspire people to use it more, or if it’s getting to be time to turn it off.
Again, time will tell…
Business Updates
I’m still not ready to say much about the business itself yet, but I’m at least making progress again.
Beyond actually getting the initial placeholder web site online, in the end I decided not to pivot; the original idea still feels like it’s worth pursuing. That said, there have been changes.
Most notably, I think I’ve now got a plan that provides a real path to revenue.
My original concept was far too expansive, and that made it difficult to do as a single individual. If I could dump a million bucks into hiring people, that would be different – but I can’t. Instead, I need to do something more realistic.
The current plan downscopes the project significantly, enabling me to work on a single target market, and with a somewhat simplified system (that can still be expanded to the original vision at a later time). If I manage to complete this plan, you’re probably going to look at the result and say, “WTF!? How complicated can the original plan possibly have been?! This thing is freaking simple!!!”
Trust me, the original concept is far more complicated.
If I succeed, then this will be a very good example of identifying the fastest path to profit so you can expand later. The core technology behind the project is largely the same, but the targeting makes all the difference. It looks like a totally different product, to be honest, even though it really isn’t.
We’ll see how it goes; I’m currently aiming for August or September 2025 as a grand opening date, though I hope I’ll be able to pull that closer as things progress. Even simple hardware is slow and difficult to work with when it comes to getting ready to actually sell it…
The Holidays
And now it’s time for the holidays. I could swear that just yesterday I was making Thanksgiving dinner for the family…
…and it’s already less than two weeks ’til Christmas…
…and I haven’t even started my Christmas shopping!
Where did the time go?