Four months ago, give or take, I was all in on getting my business set up. Building new compute environments, getting initial web stuff together, registering the LLC, looking at the various regulatory crap that needed to be done… the list went on. I was making excellent progress.
And then I got sick for a week, and that steered me into a proverbial brick wall, face first.
I have done almost nothing since. I’ve been reading, foolishly participating in useless internet discussions, assembling puzzles, watching SpaceX catch giant skyscrapers that fall from the sky, and occasionally cooking. I haven’t had any desire at all to do… anything else.
What to do?
I don’t know.
I have no idea how to get myself motivated again.
A Silver Lining: I Have Fiber Now!
On the other hand…
About a year ago a company came through here and put fiber in on my street. I’ve been impatiently waiting for them to start offering service, and now they actually have! I got connected about a month ago, and all my general internet connectivity is now over that fiber link.
It’s been rock solid so far.
My various VPNs are still on cable, but I’m going to switch those over in the next few days in preparation to delete my cable service, which costs 2.5x what the fiber people are charging (just for Internet and VOIP!). And unlike cable, I get gigabit upstream on fiber.
So What Now?
I’m really not sure what I’m going to do next.
I have a few random ideas for projects and other things to blog about, but that will involve me getting off my butt first. I also have a new, “simpler” business idea floating around in my head, and am currently debating if I should pivot. Time will tell, I suppose.
For now, if I actually have any “regular” readers, at least you know I’m still around…
Stay tuned.